My background of living abroad, and struggling with anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and insomnia led me to become a therapist - to help others through similar challenges. Aesthetics have always played an important role in my life - I help others see the beauty around them and bring that to life. And yoga has always been a way for me to reconnect with myself - something I’d like to pass on further.


  • As part of my training as a therapist, I offer therapy for a reduced price. Contact me for more information.

  • As part of my training as a therapist, I offer therapy for a reduced price. Here online, from wherever you are. Contact me for more information.

  • Whether you’re at the start of your yoga journey or would like to deepen your practice I customize the class according to your needs.

  • Whether you’re at the start of your yoga journey or would like to deepen your practice I customize the class according to your needs. Here online, from wherever you are.

  • Anything from yoga alignment, yoga, and the nervous system, yoga for therapists, improv for therapists, or well-being, I run a variety of workshops. See the Workshops page for the upcoming ones.

Let's heal and move together

Let's heal and move together